We wish ECET students good luck for their ECET Results 2012. Now, you can get Andhra Pradesh ECET 2012 Results on SMS - Type RESULT<space>ECET<space>HALL TICKET NUMBER to 56263. The qualifying percentage marks for obtaining a rank in ECET [FDH & B.Sc.(Mathematics)]-2012 is 25% of the aggregate marks in the four subjects (three subjects for B.Sc. Mathematics) i.e., 50 marks out of a total of 200. The student will be ranked (Integrated Merit Rank) based on the marks obtained by him/her in the ECET [FDH & B.Sc.(Mathematics)]-2012 Examination.
ECET [FDH & B.Sc.(Mathematics)] – 2012, ECET Office, Ist Floor, Administrative Building
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada
Kakinada – 533 003. Andhra Pradesh, India. Ph# - 0884-2340535.
Fax - 0884-2340545.
email: ecetjntuk@gmail.com
Tags: www.jntuk.edu.in, apecet.org, ECET Results 2012, apecet.org 2012 result, ECET 2012 Results, APECET Result