NIOS offers many Vocational, Life Enrichment and community oriented courses and General and Academic Courses at both the levels - Secondary(class 10th) and Senior Secondary(class 12th). We wish students best of luck for their NIOS exam results. The direct link for checking NIOS 10th Results 2012 - http://www.results.nios.ac.in/
NIOS 10th Results 2012 can be received on SMS:
Secondary (Class 10) Examination April 2012
SMS - NIOS10<space>ROLL NUMBER to 56263
A-24/25, Institutional Area, Sector – 62, Gautam Budh Nagar,
NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh
Tags: nios.ac.in, nios results 2012, nios.ac.in result 2012, national open school result, nios 10th result 2012, nios 10th result 2012