Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training (PSBTE & IT) 2012 Admit Cards for the December examination are available for download. Candidates can check the PSBTE Admit Cards from the official website of Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training (PSBTE & IT) or the candidates can also download the admit cards from the direct link for downloading here
Select Institute for downloading Admit cards of students appearing in December 2012 Examination. Indiaexamresults wishes best of luck to all the candidates.
The Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training (PSBTE & IT) is an autonomous statutory authority created under The Punjab State Board of Technical Education & Industrial Training 1992 Act for regulating and controlling academic standards in institutes of Technical Education and for making admissions & conducting examinations in Polytechnics and Industrial Training Institutes located in the state of Punjab and Chandigarh. The main aim of the Board is to upgrade the quality of Technical Education in the State of Punjab.
Prior to the establishment of the The Punjab State Board of Technical Education & Industrial Training, the Board was functioning as a wing under the Directorate, Technical Education and Industrial Training (Punjab) looking after both the examination and administrative aspects of different Polytechnics. The Board makes admissions to 28 Engineering Diploma Courses in 43 Institutions affiliated to the Board in the State of Punjab and Chandigarh (U.T.). The Board admits about 6000 students to various diploma courses in these Institutes. These admissions are made through the Joint Entrance Test, which is usually conducted in the month of May/June every year. In addition, the Board also make admissions to diploma in Pharmacy and Modern Office Practice (Not through JET).