Candidates can check the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantpur(JNTUA) Time Table of B.Tech. (CCC) Supple. Exam Feb 2013 available on the official website of the JNTUA
http://jntua.ac.in/. The direct link for checking JNTUA Time Table 2014 is available here
Supplementary examinations for Btech(CCC) I, II, III and IV years will be held from 10th Feburary 2014 at JNTUA college of Engineering, Anantpur.
Indiaexamresults wishes best of luck to all the candidates.
JNT University Anantapur started functioning from the 155 acre campus of one of its Constituent College at Anantapur, since August 2008. As a budding University it is committed to develop and nurture a Technical Education System in the four districts of Rayalaseema viz., Anantapur, Chittoor, YSR, Kurnool districts and SPSR Nellore district which would produce skilled man power of high quality comparable to the best in the world and in adequate numbers to meet the complex technological needs of the economy.