Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT) has announced the Engineering III Semester I EST Results 2013. Candidates can check the official website of Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT) for the results - rgukt.in. From time to time, RGUKT University releases results for various courses throughout the year.
Candidates can check the results here by entering their Student ID and Date of Birth. Indiaexamresults wishes best of luck to all the candidates.
The primary objective of establishing RGUKT was to provide high quality educational opportunities for the aimed rural youth of Andhra Pradesh. The initial goal was that at least the top 1 % of the rural graduates would be given the opportunity to study at RGUKT. The top 1% of rural graduates is around 6,000 to 7,000 per year. Thus, the three campuses would need residential accommodation for about 36,000 students for the six year integrated program.
Candidates can check the results here by entering their Student ID and Date of Birth. Indiaexamresults wishes best of luck to all the candidates.
The primary objective of establishing RGUKT was to provide high quality educational opportunities for the aimed rural youth of Andhra Pradesh. The initial goal was that at least the top 1 % of the rural graduates would be given the opportunity to study at RGUKT. The top 1% of rural graduates is around 6,000 to 7,000 per year. Thus, the three campuses would need residential accommodation for about 36,000 students for the six year integrated program.