► University of Burdwan Result of B.Sc. 3 Year Degree General (1+1+1 Pattern) Part-I Examination 2013
► University of Burdwan Result of B.Sc. 3 Year Degree Honours (1+1+1 Pattern) Part-I Examination 2013
Candidates can check the University of Burdwan Results 2013 by entering their Roll Number and college code here on the official website of University of Burdwan - buruniv.ac.in results or one can click the above links for the result.
Indiaexamresults wishes best of luck to all the Candidates for the University of Burdwan Result.
Burdwan is an anglicised version of the Sanskrit Vardhamana and the corresponding Bardhaman in Bengali. The origin of this name dates back to sixth century BC and is ascribed to the twenty-fourth Jain Tirthankar, or Vardhamanswami, who spent some time in Astikagrama, according to the the Jain Kalpasutra. This place has been renamed as Vardhamana in his honour. A second view holds the literal meaning of the name, a prosperous and growing centre, to argue that this place represented a frontier colony of the progress of aryanisation through the upper Ganga valley. However, the Aryans failed to proceed further east. So, the name was retained. Archeological evidences suggest that this region, forming a major part of Radh Bengal, could be traced even back to 4000-2000 BC.