aptet.cgg.gov.in Hall Ticket Download 2013-2014

Download APTET Hall tickets 2013-2014APTET 2013-2014 hall tickets can be downloaded from the official website of Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test(aptet.cgg.gov.in).

Candidates can download TET Hall Tickets Feburary 2014 from the official website of http://aptet.cgg.gov.in/. aptet hall ticket download from link given below

APTET 2014 Exam Date - 9th Feb, 2014

Paper I - 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon
Paper II - 2:30 PM to 05:00 PM

The direct link for the aptet.cgg.gov.in hall ticket download is here. Indiaexamresults wishes best of luck to all the candidates.

Validity period of TET Certificate / Marks Memo - APTET Certificate / Marks Memo shall be valid for a period of 7 years from the date of TET examination in accordance with NCTE Guidelines.

Weightage for APTET Scores - 20% weightage will be given to APTET scores in the ensuing Teacher Recruitment of the State Government i.e.,  20% weightage is for APTET score and 80% weightage for written test in Teacher Recruitment Test (TRT) for drawing up selection list.