AIIMS MBBS 2014 Admit Card - AIIMSOnline

AIIMS MBBS 2014 Admit Card

AIIMS MBBS 2014 admit card is available for download. Candidates can check the AIIMS Admit Cards from the official website of AIIMS or the candidate can download the admit cards from below link. The candidates just need to enter their application numbers and passwords to get the admit cards for MBBS 2014 session. Candidates need to know that no admit cards will be sent via post and there is just one way to get the admit cards, it's download AIIMS admit cards from the official website.Without the admit card/hall ticket along with an identity proof, the candidates will not be admitted to the examination hall.

Contact Assistant Controller of the examinations immediately if there is any discrepancy in the MBBS Admit Card or you just can't find your admit card for downoad online. The AIIMS MBBS 2014 Exam will be held on June 1 2014 in online as well as offline (Pen & Paper) modes. The course is offered by AIIMS Delhi, Patna, Bhopal, Jodhpur, Bhubaneswar, Rishikesh and Raipur.

The AIIMS MBBS Exam 2014 will be conducted for a duration of three and a half hours. The question paper will consist of 200 objective type, multiple choice questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Knowledge. For every correct answer, the candidates will be awarded with one mark each and for any wrong answer; one-third mark will be deducted. AIIMS MBBS 2014 Results are expected to be announced by 25th June 2014.

Download AIIMS MBBS 2014 Admit Cards from 
here or here