UPSC CDS (i) 2014 written test results have been announced and candidates who have successfully passed the written exam can check their roll numbers on the official UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) website. UPSC CDS written test passed candidates are eligible for the interviews/personality test to be conducted by the Service Selection Board (SSB) of the Ministry of Defecnce. A total of 9,122 candidates short listed for the SSB interviews/personality test, on the basis of UPSC CDS scores. UPSC CDS 2014 Results given at the below link.
Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination is held twice a year by The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC ) for recruitment to the Army, Navy and Air Force. After clearing the CDS written exam and interview, training is held at the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy.
UPSC CDS 2014 Results
Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination is held twice a year by The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC ) for recruitment to the Army, Navy and Air Force. After clearing the CDS written exam and interview, training is held at the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy.
UPSC CDS 2014 Results