HBSE 12th Result 2014, hbse.nic.in

HBSE Harayana Board Class 12th results 2014 have been announced. HBSE Haryana Board Class 12th Results declared online today on 5th June 2014.

Students can check their HBSE 12th board results on the official website of Harayana Board of School Education (HBSE)-hbse.nic.in. Haryana Board class 12th exams were held from March 7, 2014 to March 28, 2014 by Haryana Board of School Education(HBSE) and now today the results have been released. Wiosh you best of luck to check the results. As students, you better know that you have to pass in all five subjects of external examination and for each subject, the students have to get at least 33 per cent marks in the aggregate of external examination, CCE and Practical.

Every year, Haryana board is the regulatory body which is entrusted upon the task of regulating and looking after the education system of Haryana board examinations. This task is performed by HBSE quite effectively and thats why the HBSE 12th Class results have been announced on time.