VITMEE 2014 Counselling Dates Schedule

VITMEE 2014 Counselling Dates Schedule

Vellore Institute of Technology conducted VITMEE 2014 on June 7, 2014 and June 8, 2014 for admission to MCA/ M.Tech courses at the Vellore and Chennai Campuses. VIT Masters Entrance Exam (VITMEE 2014) results were announced recently and now the admission counseling process at VIT has been started. VITMEE 2014 counselling will be held in two phases: Phase I and Phase II. Candidates willing to participate in the VITMEE admission counseling process, must submit a Demand Draft of Rs 10,000 drawn in favour of VIT University payable at Vellore.

In Phase I admission counseling, VITMEE 2014 Rank Holders from 1 - 4006 can attend and VITMEE Rank holders from 4007 - 6000 can attend the Phase II counseling of VITMEE 2014.

Phase I counseling dates 2014:
MCA Course counseling: June 23
M.Tech Automotive Engineering course counseling June 24
M.Tech course counseling (apart from Automotive Engineering): June 25

Candidates are required to bring the following documents at the time of counseling:
1. VITMEE - 2014 E-Admit Card copy
2. Copy of Class X and XII Marks statement
3. Mark Sheets of all Semester/years of qualifying examination upto prefinal/final year as applicable (original and photocopy)
4. Qualifying degree/Provisional Certificate (If already received)
5. Transfer/Migration Certificate obtained from the Institute last studied
6. Affidavit should be typed in non-judicial stamp paper of Rs 20 each
7. Student Profile (
8. Certificate of Physical fitness (
9. Computerized Demand Draft for Rs 10,000 drawn  in  favour  of  "VIT  University"  payable  at  Vellore  (Tamil Nadu)
10. At least 4 Recent Passport size colour photos

VITMEE 2014 Phase II admission Counseling starts from June 30, 2014.

More information on VITMEE 2014 Counselling is available