GATE Exam Paper Codes

GATE Exam Paper Codes

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2015 exam is held for testing various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science. The GATE 2015 exam will be held in the months of January and February 2015. The GATE 2015 last date for registrations is until October 14.

A list of all the 22 papers of GATE with their paper code is mentioned below:

Aerospace Engineering: AE
Agricultural Engineering: AG
Architecture and Planning: AR
Biotechnology: BT
Civil Engineering: CE
Chemical Engineering: CH
Computer Science and Information Technology: CS
Chemistry: CY
Electronics and Communication Engineering: EC
Electrical Engineering: EE
Ecology and Evolution: EY
Geology and Geophysics: GG
Instrumentation Engineering: IN
Mathematics: MA
Mechanical Engineering: ME
Mining Engineering: MN
Metallurgical Engineering: MT
Physics: PH
Production and Industrial Engineering: PI
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science: TF
Engineering Sciences: XE
Life Sciences: XL
XE paper sections:
Engineering Mathematics (A) (Compulsary)
Fluid Mechanics (B)
Materials Science (C)
Solid Mechanics (D)
Thermodynamics (E)
Polymer Science and Engineering (F)
Food Technology (G)

XL paper sections:
Chemistry (H) (Compulsary)
Biochemistry (I)
Botany (J)
Microbiology (K)
Zoology (L)
Food Technology (M)

Wish you all the very best of luck for aspiring candidates in the GATE 2015 examination.