TS ICET 2015, tsicet.org

TS ICET 2015, TS ICET 2015 Notification, TS ICET 2015 Online Apply

Telegana State Integrated Common Entrance Test (TS ICET) for the first time has announced the Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET) to be held starting this year. The TS ICET 2015 exam will be held  on May 22 by Kakatiya University, Warangal on behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad. Candidates who wish to apply for admissions into MBA and MCA courses offered by different universities  (full time/part-time/evening/distance mode) in the state of Telangana for the academic year 2015-16 can apply online on the official website of TSICET.

How to Apply for TS ICET 2015 Online?
Candidates can apply online through the official website of TS ICET here - http://tsicet.org/Content/frmPaymentProcedure.aspx
Then, Candidates should click  "Registration Fee Payment Procedure"
After the above step, Make the requisite payment either through TS online/AP online/ (e-Seva) or debit/credit card
After successful online payment, a "Transaction Id" will be displayed on the screen.

Application Fee:
Candidates must pay an application fee of Rs 250 for the TS ICET registration process.

Age Limit:
Candidates age should not be more than 21 years.

TS ICET 2015 Important Dates:
TS ICET 2015 Exam date: May 22

TS ICET Eligibility Criteria:
Educational Qualification:
Candidates must have a Bachelors degree with at least 50 per cent in the qualifying examination (45 per cent in case of reserved candidates) from a recognized university or institution.The students who are appearing for final year they can also apply for TSICET  2015.