Uttarakhand State Eligibility Test (U-set) 2015 results published. USET exam conducted by Kumaun University, Nainital at various centres on 1st March 2015 is held for recruitment in various government Departments. USET result 2015 announced on 10th April. Candidates can check the USET result online on the official website of Uttarakhand State Eligibility Test (U-set). So go and check out the UK SET results 2015 at https://usetonline.org/index.aspx.
USET is held in three sets of Paper I, Paper II and Paper III. The USET exam was held for more than 25 subjects like Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Geography, Economics, Political Science, History, etc. USET final answer key 2015 is already published by the Kumaun university. Candidates need to login and enter Registration No., Password or Date Of Birth to get the USET 2015 Result and USET 2015 Scorecard download here - https://usetonline.org/FrmLogin.aspx?Page=Result
This will comprise of following steps:
Step I:
Minimum marks to be obtained in SET for considering a candidate for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor.
The candidates are required to obtain following minimum marks separately in Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III as given below:
Category |
Paper 1
Paper 2
Paper 3
40 (40%)
40 (40%)
75 (50%)
35 (35%)
35 (35%)
Step II:
Amongst those candidates who have cleared step I, a merit list will be prepared subject-wise and category-wise using
the aggregate marks of all the three papers secured by such candidates.
Step III:
Top 15% candidates (for each subject and category), from the merit list mentioned under step II, will be declared SET
qualified for eligibility for Assistant Professor only.