MICAT II 2016 Results
MICAT II 2016 Results have been announced. Candidates can check the MICAT 2 Results on the official website www.mica.ac.in. Candidates who have successfully passed will now appear for the GE (Group Excercise) PI (Personal Interview) round for final selection. The MICAT call letters can be downloaded from the website.
The GE and PI rounds will be held at MICA campus, Ahmedabad
MICA Ahmedabad conducts MICAT examination for admissions to the post graduate diploma management in communication (PGDM-C). The total number of seats is 180. MICAT II was held on February 14. Other relevant notifications and information will be published on the website from time to time. The MICAT I exam was held on December 13, 2015. Results of the same were announced on December 23.
Steps to download the call letters
Visit the official website www.mica.ac.in
Click on 'Download GE and PI Call Letter (MICAT II)
Enter the needed information and click submit
Call letter will be displayed on the computer screen
You can download the MICAT call letter and take a print out for future reference
Important dates
Orientation programme starts - June 2016
New session starts - June / July