SSC CHSL Result 2017

SSC CHSL Result 2017, SSC CHSL Result 2017 Date

The SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) 2017 results announced at . SSC CHSL exam started on January 7 at different test centres across India. The SSC CHSL examination started on November 1 and 15, and December 6 and 22 last year.

Steps to check the SSC CHSL Result 2017:

Candidates need to follow these steps in order to get SSC CHSL Result 2017:

Visit the official website
Click on the CHSL Result link
Enter all the details like Roll No. and click submit
SSC CHSL Results 2017 will be displayed
You can take a print out of the same for future use

The Candidates selection will be based on the basis of Computer based Written Examination (Tier-I), Descriptive Paper (Tier-II) and Typing Test/Skill Test (Tier-III) Examination.

The SSC CHSL exam was held to fill up 5133 posts.

Post wise details:

Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant: 3281
LDC: 1321
DEO: 506
Court Clerk: 26

Over 20 lakh candidates appeared for the SSC CHSL exam held at different centres in India.

SSC CHSL Date of Tier-II Exam (Descriptive Paper):  April 9, 2017