DHEOrissain +2 First Selection List, DHEOdisha.gov.in +2 First Selection Merit List 2017
DHEOrissa.in First selection Merit List for +2 is to be published by dheorissa.in/dheodisha.gov.in on 13th June 2017. Candidates can check the official website of DHEOrissa and see there the dheorissa +2 First Selection List. Enter Your M.R. No./Index No. to see if your name is there in the First selection List for +2 Merit List. First selection List for +2 Cut off marks and merit list for DHE Odisha First selection List for +2 also will be made available on dheorissa.in/dheodisha.gov.in.
DHEOrissa.in First selection List for +2 to be announced on 13th June, 2017 at 11 AM. Sushmaresults wishes best of luck to all applicants for the DHEOrissa/DHEodisha results. The Department of Higher Education of Odisha ensures safe examination and transparent admission processes for Junior and Degree Colleges through e-Admission. Admission of First Selection Applicants will be done from 16th to 19th June 2017 and First selection admission data will be updated in e-Space on 16-June-2017 to 19 Jun at 05:00 PM. DHEOdisha.gov.in +2 Second Selection Merit List on 22-June-2017 . Admission of Second Selection Applicants will be held from 24th to 28th June 2017.
Every year DHEOrissa publishes merit list for +2 and +3 admissions in various colleges. E-Admission (ON-LINE ADMISSION INTO +2 CLASSES) is compulsory in all +2 (Junior) Colleges including Self
Financing (Junior) Colleges in the State of Odisha for the Academic Session 2017-18.
After the applicants submit their college copies, those shall be validated at the SAMS Resource Center by team of validators. Once the validation is complete, the software shall process all applications and finalise the 1st selection list for each of the colleges as per the merit and choice of the applicants. The selection list shall be published on the pre-determined date. The selection list and the intimation letters for selected applicants shall be made available in the website. Besides, an applicant can download and print her/his intimation letter directly from the website after receiving a notification on her/his mobile number (if provided in the CAF) and take admission at the particular college on the date mentioned there in.