JNTUH BPharm Result 2018 of 1-1 regular/supply exams at @ jntuhresults.in
The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) Hyderabad has announced the B Pharmacy 1st year regular R17 and supplementary R16, R13, R09, R07, 1st semester exam results on the official website - jntuhresults.in
Steps to check JNTUH BPharm Results:
- Visit the official website, jntuhresults.in
- Click on 'Results server 1/2/3'
- Enter your hall ticket number, date of birth and verification code in the given space.
- Click on 'Get result'
- JNTUH BPharm Result will be displayed on the screen
- You can download and take a printout for future use
Candidates can apply for Revaluation and Recounting of their answer scripts on or before March 20. (14-03-2018) BPharmacy Ist Year R17 Regular, R16 I-I and R13, R09, R07 Supplementary Examinations Jan-2018 results published. The last date for Recounting/Revaluation is 20-03-2018.
The university was established in 1946. Accredited by the National Board of Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) of University Grants Commission (UGC) with 'A' grade, it offers the following programme:
BTech in civil engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, computer science and engineering, petro chemical engineering and petroleum technology, MTech in soil mechanics and foundation engineering, structural engineering, advanced power systems, high voltage engineering, cad/cam, machine design, instrumentation and control systems, computers and communication, and computer science, master of computer applications (MCA) and PhD programmes in civil engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, computer science and engineering, mathematics, physics and chemistry.