Check here the HBSE D.ED First semester April 2012 Results
Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani, set up in 1969 takes care of administration and publication of HBSE 10th Result, HBSE 12th Result, Haryana Open School Results and Haryana Ded Results. HBSE 10th Result and HBSE 12th Result is likely to be published soon on hbse.nic.in.
Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani
Hansi Road, Bhiwani - 127021
Ph. : (91) 1664-244171 to 244176
E-Mail : hbse@hry.nic.in
Tags: hbse.nic.in, hbse result, hbse, haryanaresults.nic.in, hbse result 2012, hbse results 2012, hbse bhiwani, hbse.nic.in D.Ed result 2012, Haryana Board DED Result, Haryana DED Results