upresults.nic.in, UPSEE 2012 Results

U P State Entrance Examination Results 2012 for B.Tech, BFAD, B.Pharma, B.Arch.,BIOTECH, BHMCT have been released on 27th May 2012 at 02.00 P.M. Check the official website for U P State Entrance Examination Results 2012 - http://upresults.nic.in/

The U P State Entrance Examination for degree level engineering and other professional institutions is conducted by Gautam Buddh Technical University(GBTU), Lucknow. U P State Entrance Examination Results or UPSEE 2012 Results are available for the students at the official websites - gbtu.ac.in, upsee.nic.in, uptu.nic.in and upresults.nic.in.  UPSEE 2012 Exam was held on 22nd April 2012. UPSEE 2012 B.Tech, BFAD, B.Pharma, B.Arch.,BIOTECH, BHMCT Examination Results can be seen on the website of upresults.nic.in by entering the Roll numbers.

Tags: upresults.nic.in, gbtu.ac.in, uptu.nic.in, upresults.nic.in 2012, www.uptu.nic.in, UPTU SEE 2012, upsee.nic.in, upsee 2012