AP DSC 2012 District Wise Merit List

AP DSC 2012 District Wise Merit List and Cut Off Marks is available. Andhra Pradesh conducted recruitment exams for the posts of School Assistant, Language Pandits, PETs and Secondary Grade Teachers (SGTs) . The written tests were conducted in various districts of Andhra Pradesh from 26th Aug 2012 to 28th Aug 2012. DSC 2012 OMR sheet can be downloaded from the official website of DSC - http://dsc2012.cgg.gov.in/downloadOMRSheet.dsc. Enter your Hall Ticket No, Candidate ID, Date of Birth, Journal No, Date of Payment and verification code to download the OMR sheet.Commissioner And Director Of School Education, Andhra Pradesh will shortly release the AP DSC 2012 Merit List/AP DSC 2012 Results. AP DSC 2012 District Wise Merit List announced on http://apdsc.cgg.gov.in and www.dseap.gov.in

DSC 2012 Merit Lists District wise made available for the following regions, click on the link to get your merit list results.
AdilabadAnantapurChittorRanga ReddySrikakulamVishakapatnamVizianagaramEast GodavariWest GodavariGunturHyderabadkrishna,  KurnoolMedakMehboobnagarNalgondaNelloreNizamabadPrakasamWarangalKadapaKarim Nagar and Khammam. AP DSC Merit List 2012 released for the following:

AP DSC 2012 School Assistant Merit List (Telugu, English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Biology, Social Studies)
AP DSC 2012 Language Pandit (LP) Merit List (Telugu and Hindi)
AP DSC 2012 PET Merit List
AP DSC 2012 SGT (Secondary Grade Teachers) Merit List

Indiaexamresults wishes best of luck to all the candidates.