AP SSC Results 2014, bseap.org

Andhra Pradesh SSC Class 10 results 2014

Andhra Pradesh SSC Class 10 results 2014 have been announced by The Board of Secondary Education Andhra Pradesh (BSEAP). AP SSC 10th Results 2014 with marks is available on the official website  and can be checked by students. Andhra Pradesh Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Class 10 exam 2014 results is declared today on May 15, 2014 at 11:30 AM by the Advisor to the Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Principal Secretary of School Education. Students can check the results online at http://bseap.org/ The direct link for checking the AP SSC Results 2014 is given at the last.

Andhra Pradesh Board conducted SSC Class 10 exams 2014 from March 27, 2014 to April 17, 2014 and were conducted for both regular and private candidates for Academic, OSSC and Vocational courses.Previous year, Andhra Pradesh Class 10 SSC exam 2013 results were declared on May 17, 2013. Around 13 lakh students appeared in the 2013 exams and it was around 88.08 per cent of the total number of students who passed the Class 10th exam, with girls topping with a pass percent of 88.90 as compared to boys with 87.03.

In these AP 10th Board Exams, 12.26 lakh students appeared and after the AP SSC Results 2014 are announced, the grading system will apply.

The Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education is the only body which conducts the following exams yearly: 1st Year D. Ed Public Examinations, C.L.I. Sc Examinations, Urdu Pandit Training Examinations, Professional Advancement Test for Teachers, Technical Certificate Course Examination, 2nd year D. Ed Public Examinations, Hindi Pandit Training Examinations, National Talent Search Examinations, PPTTC Examinations, Telugu Pandit Training Examinations, Sanskrit Entrance Examination and Technical TTC Examination.

Check AP SSC Results 2014 Here