GCET 2014 Answer keys, GCET 2014 Results

GCET 2014 Answer keys

GCET 2014 Answer keys have been published online on the official website of  the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Goa - http://www.dtegoa.gov.in/. Goa Common Entrance Test 2014 (GCET 2014) was held on May 6 and May 7 for 4 subjects: Physics and Chemistry on May 6 and Mathematics and Biology on May 7. DTEGOA announce the GCET 2014 results recently available on official website.

Dtegoa conducts GCET examination for admissions to first year of Professional Degree courses in the state of Goa at Government, Government-aided and un-aided colleges. GCET 2014 scores will be used for admissions to Engineering B.E, B.Tech, Dentistry BDS. Medical MBBS BHMS, Pharmacy B Pharm and Architecture B.Arch courses. Engineering specializations offered are Information Technology, Computer, Electronics and Telecommunication, Electronics and Communication, Electrical and Electronics, Mechanical, Civil and Mining.

Each subject paper had 75 questions with 1 mark for each correct answer and there was no negative marking applied.

Physics answer keys - check here
Chemistry answer keys - check here
Mathematics answer keys - check here
Biology answer keys - check here