Karnataka KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Exam Results announced
Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) has announced the the Class 10th results. The SSLC Result 2014 Karnataka can be checked on the official website of the Karnataka Board -
karrresults.nic.in. SSLC exams started on March 28 and ended on April 9. Around 8 lakh candidates appeared for the exam this year out of which 7.62 lakh students appeared for the first time while 41,269 students were reappearing for the SSLC exam. Students who filled private forms and appeared in the Karnataka SSLC exam 2014 is 21,670. The SSLC Result 2014 Karnataka uploaded on the official website of karrresults.nic.in
Sudhindra M.S. from Bangalore got the first position, scoring 622 marks out of 625. In order to get the SSLC Results, the candidates are required to fill their roll number.
The SSLC results can also be obtained by sending a message in the following format to 9243355223
karsslc<space> <11 digit reg. no.>
The official website where the results can be checked
Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) has announced the the Class 10th results. The SSLC Result 2014 Karnataka can be checked on the official website of the Karnataka Board -
karrresults.nic.in. SSLC exams started on March 28 and ended on April 9. Around 8 lakh candidates appeared for the exam this year out of which 7.62 lakh students appeared for the first time while 41,269 students were reappearing for the SSLC exam. Students who filled private forms and appeared in the Karnataka SSLC exam 2014 is 21,670. The SSLC Result 2014 Karnataka uploaded on the official website of karrresults.nic.in
Sudhindra M.S. from Bangalore got the first position, scoring 622 marks out of 625. In order to get the SSLC Results, the candidates are required to fill their roll number.
The SSLC results can also be obtained by sending a message in the following format to 9243355223
karsslc<space> <11 digit reg. no.>
The official website where the results can be checked