DHEOrissa.in First selection List for +3 is to be published by dheorissa.in/dheodisha.in on 9th July at 11AM. Candidates can check the official website of DHEOrissa when the +3 Selection List is released. Enter Your M.R. No./Index No. to see if your name is there in the First selection List for +3 Merit List. First selection List for +3 Cut off marks and merit list for First selection List for +3 also will be published on dheorissa.in.
DHEOrissa.in First selection List for +3 is to be announced on 9th July, 2014 at 11 AM. We wish best of luck to all applicants. The Department of Higher Education of Odisha ensures safe examination and transparent admission processes for Junior and Degree Colleges through e-Admission.
DHEOrissa.in Admission of First Selection Applicants for +3 will be from 14-Jul-2014 to 17-Jul-2014. First selection admission data updated by the colleges in their e-Space on 18-Jul-2014 at 05:00 PM. DHEOdisha will publish Second Selection Merit List on 22-Jul-2014 at 05:00 PM and Admission of Second Selection Applicants will take place from 25-Jul-2014 to 28-Jul-2014. Second selection admission data to be updated by the colleges in their e-Space on 30-Jul-2014 ar 05:00 PM and Publication of ST/SC Extension Seat selection merit list is on 31-Jul-2014 at 11:00 AM. Admission of ST/SC Extension Seat is from 31-Jul-2014 till Spot Admission and Publication of list for admission to Balance Seats (Spot) at colleges is on 02-Aug-2014 at 11:00 AM. The Last date of Registration for Balance Seat admission at Colleges is on 04-Aug-2014 at 02:00 PM and Publication of merit list for Balance Seat admission (College Notice Board) is on 04-Aug-2014 at 05:00 PM. Wish you all the best.
DHEOrissa.in First selection List for +3 is to be announced on 9th July, 2014 at 11 AM. We wish best of luck to all applicants. The Department of Higher Education of Odisha ensures safe examination and transparent admission processes for Junior and Degree Colleges through e-Admission.
DHEOrissa.in Admission of First Selection Applicants for +3 will be from 14-Jul-2014 to 17-Jul-2014. First selection admission data updated by the colleges in their e-Space on 18-Jul-2014 at 05:00 PM. DHEOdisha will publish Second Selection Merit List on 22-Jul-2014 at 05:00 PM and Admission of Second Selection Applicants will take place from 25-Jul-2014 to 28-Jul-2014. Second selection admission data to be updated by the colleges in their e-Space on 30-Jul-2014 ar 05:00 PM and Publication of ST/SC Extension Seat selection merit list is on 31-Jul-2014 at 11:00 AM. Admission of ST/SC Extension Seat is from 31-Jul-2014 till Spot Admission and Publication of list for admission to Balance Seats (Spot) at colleges is on 02-Aug-2014 at 11:00 AM. The Last date of Registration for Balance Seat admission at Colleges is on 04-Aug-2014 at 02:00 PM and Publication of merit list for Balance Seat admission (College Notice Board) is on 04-Aug-2014 at 05:00 PM. Wish you all the best.