DHEOrissa.in First selection Merit List for +2 is to be published by dheorissa.in/dheodisha.in on 2nd July 2014. Candidates can check the official website of DHEOrissa and see there the dheorissa +2 First Selection List. Enter Your M.R. No./Index No. to see if your name is there in the First selection List for +2 Merit List. First selection List for +2 Cut off marks and merit list for First selection List for +2 also will be made available on dheorissa.in.
DHEOrissa.in First selection List for +2 to be announced on 2nd July, 2014 at 11 AM. We wish best of luck to all applicants. The Department of Higher Education of Odisha ensures safe examination and transparent admission processes for Junior and Degree Colleges through e-Admission. Admission of First Selection Applicants will be done from 07th to 10th Jul 2014 and First selection admission data will be updated in e-Space on 11-Jul-2014 at 05:00 PM. DHEOrissa will publish the +2 Second Selection Merit List on 15-Jul-2014 . DHEOrissa.in will publish ST/SC Extension Seat selection merit list on 23-Jul-2014 at 11:00 AM and admission to Balance Seats (Spot) admission at colleges merit list on 24-Jul-2014 at 11:00 AM.
Every year DHEOrissa publishes merit list for +2 and +3 admissions in various colleges. This time the merit list was to be schedule early but later postponed.
DHEOrissa.in First selection List for +2 to be announced on 2nd July, 2014 at 11 AM. We wish best of luck to all applicants. The Department of Higher Education of Odisha ensures safe examination and transparent admission processes for Junior and Degree Colleges through e-Admission. Admission of First Selection Applicants will be done from 07th to 10th Jul 2014 and First selection admission data will be updated in e-Space on 11-Jul-2014 at 05:00 PM. DHEOrissa will publish the +2 Second Selection Merit List on 15-Jul-2014 . DHEOrissa.in will publish ST/SC Extension Seat selection merit list on 23-Jul-2014 at 11:00 AM and admission to Balance Seats (Spot) admission at colleges merit list on 24-Jul-2014 at 11:00 AM.
Every year DHEOrissa publishes merit list for +2 and +3 admissions in various colleges. This time the merit list was to be schedule early but later postponed.