VIT university begins registration for VITEEE 2015
VITEEE 2015 online registration for Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam (VITEEE) has been started by VIT University, Vellore. VITEEE test, a computer based test, is held for admissions to Engineering / Technology programmes in VIT University campus.
Candidates can register online for the VITEEE 2015 exam by going to the VIT universities official website and the last date for registration to the VITEEE 2015 exam is till February 27, 2014. To be held from April 8 to 19, 2015, the duration is of two hours and 30 minutes.
VITEEE 2015 Eligibility Criteria:
In order to appear for the VITEEE-2015 exam, candidates must have either completed or be appearing in 2015, in any one of the following examinations:
The final examination of the 10+2 system of Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the State Board, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE, New Delhi)
The council for Indian School Certificate Examination (ISCE, New Delhi).
Intermediate or two year pre university examination conducted by a recognized board/university.
How to apply for VITEEE 2015 Exam:
To apply for the VITEEE 2015 Exam, candidates can apply online by following the steps:
Step 1.New User Registration
Enter all details as changing of data is not possible later. A password will be sent from VIT to your registered mobile no. and email id.
Step 2.Password Confirmation
Login with the email id and password received from VIT to the official website of VITEEE.
Step 3.Fill Online application form
Provide all the details carefully, before the submission. Application number gets generated after submit.
Step 4.Mode of payment
DD Mode - Get ready with DD of Rs. 940/- (50 USD for NRI candidates) drawn in favour of 'VIT University' payable at Vellore.
Online Mode - Use Netbanking / Debit Card / Credit Card.
Step 5.Photograph & Signature Upload
Passport size colour photograph with 10 kb-200 kb (Dimension - 3.5cm X 4.5 cm) in jpg/jpeg format.
Signature of the candidate with 10 kb-200 kb (Dimension - 6cm(width) X 2 cm height) in jpg/jpeg format.
VITEEE 2015 Paper Pattern:
All the questions will be objective type, containing three parts.
Part-I - Physics
Part-II - Chemistry
Part-III - Mathematics / Biology.
The selection of pattern (Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics or Biology) has to be decided at the time of slot booking (in the month of March 2015).
All the questions will be mostly from the State Board of Higher Secondary Education and the CBSE syllabus only.Each part consists of 40 questions having one mark each with 4 option answers. There is no negative marking applicable for wrong answers.
VITEEE 2015 online registration for Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam (VITEEE) has been started by VIT University, Vellore. VITEEE test, a computer based test, is held for admissions to Engineering / Technology programmes in VIT University campus.
Candidates can register online for the VITEEE 2015 exam by going to the VIT universities official website and the last date for registration to the VITEEE 2015 exam is till February 27, 2014. To be held from April 8 to 19, 2015, the duration is of two hours and 30 minutes.
VITEEE 2015 Eligibility Criteria:
In order to appear for the VITEEE-2015 exam, candidates must have either completed or be appearing in 2015, in any one of the following examinations:
The final examination of the 10+2 system of Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the State Board, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE, New Delhi)
The council for Indian School Certificate Examination (ISCE, New Delhi).
Intermediate or two year pre university examination conducted by a recognized board/university.
How to apply for VITEEE 2015 Exam:
To apply for the VITEEE 2015 Exam, candidates can apply online by following the steps:
Step 1.New User Registration
Enter all details as changing of data is not possible later. A password will be sent from VIT to your registered mobile no. and email id.
Step 2.Password Confirmation
Login with the email id and password received from VIT to the official website of VITEEE.
Step 3.Fill Online application form
Provide all the details carefully, before the submission. Application number gets generated after submit.
Step 4.Mode of payment
DD Mode - Get ready with DD of Rs. 940/- (50 USD for NRI candidates) drawn in favour of 'VIT University' payable at Vellore.
Online Mode - Use Netbanking / Debit Card / Credit Card.
Step 5.Photograph & Signature Upload
Passport size colour photograph with 10 kb-200 kb (Dimension - 3.5cm X 4.5 cm) in jpg/jpeg format.
Signature of the candidate with 10 kb-200 kb (Dimension - 6cm(width) X 2 cm height) in jpg/jpeg format.
VITEEE 2015 Paper Pattern:
All the questions will be objective type, containing three parts.
Part-I - Physics
Part-II - Chemistry
Part-III - Mathematics / Biology.
The selection of pattern (Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics or Biology) has to be decided at the time of slot booking (in the month of March 2015).
All the questions will be mostly from the State Board of Higher Secondary Education and the CBSE syllabus only.Each part consists of 40 questions having one mark each with 4 option answers. There is no negative marking applicable for wrong answers.