MAH CET Aadmit Card Download 2015,
Candidates can download the Maharasthra Common Eligibility Test (MAH-CET) admit cards from the official website of Maharashtra CET. Candidates must note that they must carry the MAH CET 2015 hall tickets/admit cards with them while appearing for the exam as it is a must and they will not be allowed to sit in the exam without the MAH CET admit cards.MAH CET 2015 is to be held on March 14 and 15 different centres across India. Candidates who want to pusue admissions to Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Management Studies (MMS) courses offered by B-schools can take this exam. Over 42,000 MBA and MMS seats are available in various management institutes while around 60,000 candidates have already registered for this exam.
How to Download MAH CET 2015 Admit cards:
Go here: mah cet admit card download
Enter the details such as Application ID, Password
Enter verification code and submit to get the admit cards.
Admission to the management courses like MBA/MMS/PGDBM/PGDM are done by the competent authority of Maharashtra and it is centralized and covered under Centralized Admission Process (CAP).
MAH CET 2015 exam consists of 200 questions to be completed in the duration of 150 minutes. DTE Maharashtra has already announced that MAHCET 2015 will comprise multiple choice objective type questions in the areas of verbal ability and reading comprehension; quantitative aptitude and logical/abstract reasoning.
MAH CET 2015 Schedule:
MBA/MMS PGDBM/PGDM (first year): MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2015: March 14, March 15
MCA (first/direct second year): MAH-MCA-CET 2015: March 29