HSSC TGT PGT Admit Card Download 2016

HSSC TGT PGT Admit Card Download 2016

HSSC (Haryana Staff Selection Commission) PGT admit cards (Post Graduate Teachers) TGT admit cards (Trained Graduate Teachers) is released. Candidates can download the hssc pgt admit card 2016 and hssc tgt admit card 2016 from the official website www.hssc.gov.in. HSSC exam 2016 would be held from March 3 to 27.

The HSSC admit card 2016 has all the details related to roll number, examination centre, exam duration and other details. Candidates must note that they must carry the HSSC admit card in the examination, as without them, any student won't be allowed to appear for the HSSC paper. There are 8394 vacant posts of Trained Graduate Teacher and Post Graduate Teachers in subjects like Mathematics, Punjabi, English etc.

Steps to download the HSSC admit card 2016

Visit the official website, www.hssc.gov.in
Click on 'Apply For Job Online'
Click on the respective exam link
Enter the registration number and password in the space provided and click submit
Your HSSC admit card will be displayed
Download HSSC admit card 2016 and take a printout for future reference