CBSE UGC NET Answer Key 2017
The UGC NET Exam 2017 answer keys have been released by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on the official website, Candidates who had appeared for the CBSE UGC NET Exam 2017 can check the scanned images of OMR answer sheets along with the recorded responses and answer sheets on the official website.
Steps to check CBSE UGC NET Answer Key 2017:
Visit the official website,
On the homepage, click on 'Login for Answer Key and Recorded Response Challenge - NET November 2017'
Enter your application number, password and security pin in the space provided and click submit
UGC NET Answer Key 2017 along with recorded responses will be displayed on the screen
You can download and take print out of images of OMR sheets, recorded responses, answer keys and challenges submitted by them for future use
Raise objections till December 18 against CBSE UGC NET Answer Keys 2017:
Candidates can also object to the recorded responses till December 18, 2017. The challenges submitted by post or in person will not be entertained.
While submitting objections candidates need to deposit of Rs 1,000 per question through credit or debit card. The fee once paid is non refundable. If the challenge is accepted by the Board i.e. if the recorded response is not the same as marked by the candidate on OMR sheet, correction will be done and the fee will be refunded.
In case, any registered candidate does not submit the challenge by the prescribed date and time, it will be presumed that his/her recorded response is the same as marked on OMR sheet. Similarly, if the challenge is accepted by the Board i.e. if any mistake is noticed by the subject experts in the answer key, a policy decision will be notified on the website and the fee shall be refunded.
The refund (if any) will be transferred online to the concerned credit/debit card account so the candidates are advised to pay from their own credit/debit card. CBSE's decision on the challenges shall be final and no further communication will be entertained.
CBSE UGC NET exam 2017 was conducted on November 5.Around 9.3 lakh candidates applied for the NET exam but only 75 per cent of the students appeared.
Number of candidates:
Male: 4,09,439
Female: 5,19,557
Transgender: 3
UGC NET Cut-off 2017:
The cut-off of UGC NET November exam is expected to be decrease by 1 per cent or 2 per cent as compared to the NET exam held in June. The cut-off score is maximum marks which candidates need to score to get selected to UGC NET exam.
The cut-off will be decided considering the following points:
1.The number of candidates appearing in the exam.
2.Level of difficulty: If difficulty level is high then cut off will decrease and if difficulty level is low then cut off will increase.
3.The ratio of the candidates: This shows that how many candidates are there per category.
Selection procedure:
1.A candidate must have to score minimum qualifying marks in aggregate of the three papers (at least 40 per cent aggregate for General and 35 per cent aggregate for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/ PWD/SC/ST).
2.A merit list will be prepared of those candidates who have obtained the minimum qualifying marks.
3.Six per cent candidates amongst the test takers in the order of merit will be eligible for the Assistant Professor. For JRF, a separate merit list will be prepared.