AP ECET 2014 Results

AP ECET 2014 Results

AP ECET Results 2014 have been announced by JNTU. Andhra Pradesh Engineering Common Entrance Test (ECET) 2014 was conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK) on behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE).

ECET Results declared today on 20th May, 2014 by www.apecet.org. Engineering Common Entrance Test (ECET-2014) is conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada on behalf of AP State Council, of Higher Education (JNTU Kakinada). Students are advised to check the ECET 2014 Results at official website of www.apecet.org. ECET 2014 Results declared. ECET 2014 was held on 10-05-2014 JNTU Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh.

We wish ECET students good luck for their ECET Results 2014. Now, you can get Andhra Pradesh ECET 2014 Results on SMS - Type RESULT<space>ECET<space>HALL TICKET NUMBER to 56263. The qualifying percentage marks for obtaining a rank in ECET [FDH & B.Sc.(Mathematics)]-2014 is 25% of the aggregate marks in the four subjects (three subjects for B.Sc. Mathematics) i.e., 50 marks out of a total of 200. The student will be ranked (Integrated Merit Rank) based on the marks obtained by him/her in the ECET [FDH & B.Sc.(Mathematics)]-2014 Examination.

The student will be ranked (Integrated Merit Rank) based on the marks obtained by him/her in the ECET 2014 Examination. All Diploma holders in any branch of Engineering/Technology, who qualify in ECET [FDH & B.Sc.(Mathematics)]-2014 are eligible for admission into B.Tech. Information Technology and Computer Science and Engineering branches. The Integrated Merit Rank is for admission into B.Tech in Information Technology Course. The Integrated Merit Rank is based on the total marks obtained in ECET [FDH & B.Sc.(Mathematics)]-2014 by candidates with Diploma in any branch of Engineering/Technology. Downloading of AP ECET Rank cards will start from May 26, 2014.

Candidates can check results online on the official website of ECET by submitting the hall ticket no here