IIT JEE Advanced 2014 Cut-Off Marks

IIT JEE Advanced 2014 Cut-Off Marks

JEE Advanced 2014 cut offs have been released. The cut offs for JEE Advanced 2014 exam have been announced for each category and the Common Merit List. Candidates should note that scoring marks above the qualifying marks for their respective category cn only take part in the admission counselling process.

JEE Advanced Cut Off 2014:
1. Common Merit List (CML) candidates: 152 marks
2. OBC (NCL) candidates: 117 marks
3. SC candidates: 74 marks
4. ST candidates: 63 marks
5. PwD candidates: 63 marks
6. Preparatory candidates: 53 marks

In the JEE Advanced 2014 examination held on 25th May, around 1.26 lakh candidates registered and only 27,151 candidates managed to pass the examination so this shows that only 21% of candidates passed the examination. 9,784 seats are available in the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and ISM Dhanbad.

In the JEE Advanced Cut Off marks, 19,416 candidates are from the common merit list, 6,000 candidates are on the OBC (NCL) merit list, 4,400 candidates are on the SC merit list and 1,250 candidates are on the ST merit list out of 27,151 candidates who passed the exam.

The JEE Advanced results 2014 topper is from Rajasthan, his name is Chitrang Murdia who topped with flying colours. In the JEE Advanced 2014 exam, he scored 334 marks from the 360 maximum marks, a two mark increase from the previous year. JEE Advanced 2013 topper got 332 marks. Aditi from the IIT Roorkee zone got the seventh all India rank.

JEE Advanced exam consists of two papers each with three sections: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. There are objective-type multiple choice questions to be answered in three hours time.