XAT Admit Card 2018 Download
The Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) 2018 admit card released. Candidates can download XAT Admit Card 2018 from the official website - xatonline.in
Steps for XAT Admit Card 2018 download:
- Visit the official website - xatonline.in
- Click on the link, 'XAT Admit cards 2018 Download from here'
- Enter the needed information and click submit
- The XAT admit card will be displayed on the screen
- You can take a printout for future use
The XAT exam is to be held on January 8 at different centres across India. XLRI conducts XAT on behalf of the XAMI. For more than 60 years XLRI is conducting XAT at all India level to select the most appropriate students for management education. The XAT score is being used by more than 150 institutes for the admission.
Paper pattern:
There will be two parts:
Part 1: A total of 72 questions will be asked in the three sections -- A, B and C with 24, 21 and 27 questions respectively. The first three sections should be ideally completed in 170 minutes.
Part 2: About 25 questions on General Knowledge will be asked along with an essay.